You’ve always been the handy one. The one friends and family turn to when the check engine light comes on, the sink starts to leak, or the batteries die in that toy firetruck. But you didn’t get here by just changing the oil or swapping out AA’s. No, you got here by hard work – turning wrenches to build, maintain, and renovate because you knew with the right tools you could tackle any job.
The Power To Do It All follows three of these American makers as they do what they do best and do it all on one platform with the Craftsman line of V20 tools. Whether it’s building a deck, being the first on the block to fire up the lawn mower or renovating the kitchen these Craftsman users are equipped to build something they’re proud of with the V20 line.
The film begins by showing one of three heroes starting their workday opening up the garage in the early morning light, cup of coffee in hand, and birds singing in the background. They grab a Craftsman tool off the wall, battery off the charger, and go to work. At this point, the film transitions into a montage of applications around the house that show the breadth of the V20 line. Kicking things off with a backyard deck build the story will move inside and out from renovation to maintenance. All the while, the video highlights the fact that one battery platform is powering so many jobs.
The day is done, and our heroes take a moment to appreciate what they’ve accomplished before returning the V20 battery to the charger in preparation for another day’s work. With V20 you have the power to do it all.